Since Sophie and I can't have dairy, we make tasty non-dairy ice cream. We stopped eating it years ago even before I found out that I am casein intolerant. My husband and I both feel better without eating it, now that I know I am casein intolerant, it makes sense because it used to make me feel BAD. Real bad.
We don't eat soy either, and we can't have nut milks to make ice cream so that leaves.... Coconut and Avocado. Which is great because it happens to make the best ice cream. Sorry, no recipe. I will be making more though so I will make a recipe and post it when I can. Unfortunately, I can't eat the ice cream now though I wish I could! My teeth are sensitive to cold and I have been having a lot of jaw and teeth issues (hence no posting on the blog for a while). I've been told that I have a "bad bite" and years of having this "bad bite" has lead to the disc in my right jaw being displaced and now its gone completely. Unfortunately, all the dentists that I went to in the past didn't think to inform me that I have a misaligned bite. I'm not sure whats going to happen with that yet, though I am wearing this large upper mouth piece that's supposed to stabilize my jaw for now. Still in pain though but hoping for it to get better and then find out how to fix it permanently.
But enough of that. Everyone else told me the ice cream was great, so I know it is. Plus I've had avocado ice cream before in the past! It makes great popsicles, too.